BSAVA small animal pre-clinical EMS resources
This resource is intended for veterinary students in the UK and Ireland. The following pages, together with the initial self-assessment (see below), final assessment are free to access - the supporting BSAVA resources provided are available free to BSAVA veterinary student members in the UK and Ireland. If you are a veterinary student in the UK and Ireland and are not currently a BSAVA member, visit our membership page to sign up; NOTE you must register with our website AND apply for student membership. Once you have received our email confirming your membership, log into the BSAVA Library. Membership is free and provides access to many resources and benefits.
This collection of articles, webinars, chapters and links has been assembled by BSAVA to provide veterinary students with some of the information and understanding that would usually be gained during a face-to-face EMS experience. An online quiz is included which provides a certificate of completion at the end for those who pass.
The collection covers a wide range of topics but it is not exhaustive. Please contact us with suggestions for further resources.
We hope that this collection is useful to you and that you enjoy being a BSAVA student member. Student membership includes access to the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary (Canine and Feline and Exotic Pets) and the BSAVA Guide to Procedures in Small Animal Practice (these are vital for seeing clinical EMS) as well as the BSAVA Guide to the Use of Veterinary Medicines (which is important for pharmacology and legal purposes). All these resources are also included in the BSAVA app which is available as part of your membership.
Before you start
You should design a plan for the week to focus on the areas where you have identified yourself as being relatively weak. It is recommended that you identify not more than six resources that you wish to focus on (many of you will only need to do four or five).
Quicklinks to the resources are available via the banner on the right side of each page.
Undertaking the work
Spend about an hour or so reading each resource you have identified and then another 60-90 minutes completing one or more of the suggested reflective tasks. Spend a further 30 minutes the following day reviewing the material you have created. On the third day spend 15 minutes reflecting on the task by answering the following questions
(A) What did I learn? (list of 3 to 5 facts)
(B) How did I learn it? (reflect on the process of learning)
(C) How could I have learnt it better? (e.g. different technique, more sources)
(D) What will I do better next time?
Accessing the BSAVA resources
The BSAVA information sources that are provided as part of the preclinical EMS pages are accessible to BSAVA veterinary student members in the UK and Ireland. Students need to be logged in to access these resources. If you are a veterinary student in the UK and Ireland and are not currently a BSAVA member, visit our membership page to sign up. Membership is free and provides access to many resources and benefits.