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Companion collection - How to...

A collection of all the ‘How to…’ articles that have been published in BSAVA’s member magazine, Companion. These articles are available FREE to BSAVA members. A third collection of our popular ‘How to’ articles from Companion (2016-2020) is available to buy from our Store.
Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 183 results
How to…
Approach supportive care of the polyradiculoneuritis canine Author Ruth JacquesRuth Jacques is a Veterinary Nurse Rehabilitation Therapist with a special interest in the rehabilitation of intensive care patients and those with neurological conditions. In this article, Ruth focuses on supportive care of dogs with polyradiculoneuritis.
How to…
Approach dysautonomia in dogs and cats Authors: Dana Grigore and Craig BrehenyDana Grigore and Craig Breheny are encouraging clinicians to include dysautonomia in their differential list when presented with suggestive clinical signs, despite the rarity of the condition.
How to…
Interact with cats Author Sarah CollinsSarah Collins works at the International Cat Care charity and is the ISFM Nursing Manager overseeing the Cat-Friendly Clinic and webinar programmes. In this article, Sarah explores the positive interactions we can have with cats to help reduce the stress they may experience during a visit to your vet practice.
How to…
Diagnose leptospirosis Author Lucy McMahonLucy McMahon from Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists has written this article to raise awareness of when to suspect leptospirosis in dogs and describes how to make a diagnosis in suspected cases.
How to…
Manage oropharyngeal stick injuries Author Will RobinsonThe decision-making process when faced with oropharyngeal stick injuries can be challenging. This article by Will Robinson, Head of Soft Tissue Surgery at Willows Referral Service in Solihull, aims to provide an update on how to manage these unique injuries.
How to…
Train a cat to accept an inhaler Author Sarah EllisSarah Ellis, Head of Cat Mental Wellbeing and Behaviour at International Cat Care, guides us through the process of employing positive reinforcement techniques to help cats become accustomed to using an inhaler.
How to…
Perform a manual platelet estimate in general practice Author Lucia SanchiniLucia Sanchini offers advice on identifying and avoiding clump formation when running an in-house haematology report.
How to…
Manage an ‘unwell’ hen (Part 2) Authors: Henrietta Kodilinye-Sims and John ChittyIn this third article of the ‘How to… pet poultry’ series, Henrietta Kodilinye-Sims and John Chitty cover conditions of the crop.
How to…
Manage pericardial effusion Authors: Natasha Wayne-Wynne and Sid SudunaguntaNatasha Wayne-Wynne and Sid Sudunagunta, from Willows Referral Hospital, provide information on pericardial effusion and how to approach the condition in practice.
How to…
Approach vestibular disease Author Matt JamesMatt James, an ECVN board-eligible clinician in neurology and neurosurgery at Dovecote Veterinary Hospital, focuses on vestibular disease, one of the most commonly encountered neurological problems in dogs and cats.
How to…
Positively influence the canine and feline gut microbiota in practice Author Silke SalavatiProfessor Silke Salavati, Head of the Small Animal Internal Medicine Service at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies takes us on a journey through the world of microbiota.
Corrected February 2024
How to…
Approach the dog with nasal disease Author Mellora SharmanMellora Sharman discusses where to start with this canine presentation.
How to…
Manage traumatic open wounds (Part 2) Author Erika VilledieuIn the July edition of Companion, Erika Villedieu, of Willows Referral Centre in Solihull, focused on the basics of wound healing, dressing types, composition and indications. In this second article in the two-part series she focuses on the step-by-step management of traumatic open wounds.
How to…
Approach canine dystocia cases with more confidence Authors: Aoife Reid, Daniel Lewis and Dan O’NeillAoife Reid, Daniel Lewis and Dan O’Neill explain how to overcome some key challenges of this clinical presentation.
How to…
Manage traumatic open wounds (Part 1) Author Erika VilledieuThis is the first article in a two-part series from Erika Villedieu of Willows Referral Centre in Solihull and focuses on the basics of wound healing, dressing types, composition and indications.
How to…
How to interpret the results of an ear swab Author Anita PatelAnita Patel discusses how to interpret in-house cytology and laboratory culture and sensitivity results, using pictures, examples, and case studies of canine otitis externa to illustrate the theme.
How to…
Manage gastro-oesophageal reflux and regurgitation during anaesthesia Maria Chie Niimura del Barrio of Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists discusses how to prevent and manage this anaesthetic complication.
How to…
Approach anaesthesia in the patient with a heart murmur Author Paul MacFarlanePaul MacFarlane of Langford Vets discusses the dilemma in this practical article.
How to…
Choose an immunosuppressive treatment for immune-mediated disease Author Fergus AllertonFergus Allerton, of Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service, explains the challenges of selecting an appropriate drug for patients with immune-mediated disease.
How to…
Increase water intake in cats and monitor success Author Zoe JacksonVeterinary nurse Zoe Jackson explores those feline conditions where increasing and promoting water intake may be beneficial. She also gives tips on how to encourage cats to drink more and explains how nurse-led hydration clinics could help monitor success.