f BSAVA PetSavers Ageing Canine Toolkit poster

BSAVA PetSavers-funded research at the University of Liverpool (the Old Age Pets (OAP) research project) aimed to help vets and clients provide the best care for senior and geriatric dogs. The research showed that many owners find it difficult to know what are ‘normal’ age-related changes or whether signs indicate possible disease that would benefit from veterinary advice and treatment. It also suggested that it would be useful to develop standardised tools to assess a senior dog, including the most common signs to look out for, when to seek advice from a veterinary practice and to help guide discussions during consultations.
This free, double-sided poster is also available in print format. It supports the Ageing Canine Toolkit (ACT) client leaflet which includes copies of an checklist for home triage and information about the more common health problems affecting aged dogs.