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Operative Techniques
Operative techniques are a feature of our manual series and provide a step-by-step illustrated guide to the surgical procedures detailed in the related chapter. Our manuals series includes some 300 operative technique sections and this page provides an A-Z listing of all the manual chapters that contain them. You will need to purchase access to the source chapter to view the full text.
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The adrenal glands
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryThe increasing availability of advanced imaging techniques coupled with more veterinary surgeons (veterinarians) developing and refining the skills of ultrasonography has meant that adrenal masses are more frequently diagnosed and their removal contemplated. This chapter considers adrenalectomy, imaging, pre- and postoperative considerations, intraoperative management and the technique in cats. Practical tips and editors’ notes are highlighted throughout. Operative technique: Adrenalectomy including venotomy of the caudal vena cava.
Anorectal papilloma
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingAnorectal papillomas in rabbits are benign, well differentiated epithelial tumours of the anorectal junction. Their aetiology is unknown but they have not been associated with any papilloma viruses, and transmission experiments have been unsuccessfull. This chapter explains the relevant anatomy, and goes on to cover clinical signs, differential diagnosis and diagnostic procedures, treatment options and prognosis. Operative Technique: Surgical removal of anorectal papillomas.
Axial pattern flaps
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and ReconstructionReconstruction of large skin defects following trauma or radical excision of neoplastic masses can be problematical, particularly when wounds occur on the extremities where there is not enough skin for primary closure. Options for management include: axial pattern flaps; local subdermal plexus flaps; skin grafts; and second intention healing. There may, however, be insufficient skin adjacent to the wound to allow second intention healing or the use of local subdermal plexus flaps. Second intention healing may also result in formation of fragile epithelium or wound contracture. Axial pattern flaps are used for the one-stage reconstruction of wounds. Flaps are usually raised from the trunk, neck or proximal limbs, where there is sufficient loose skin to allow closure of the donor site with minimal morbidity. They provide durable full-thickness skin with a predictable vascular supply, resulting in normal to near-normal hair growth and minimal visible scar tissue, although hair growth is in the opposite direction and may be of different length and texture to the hair in the local area. Functional results after successful axial pattern flap use are good, although some owners are dissatisfied with cosmetic results. The chapter considers Blood supply and axial pattern flaps; and Complications and flap failure. Case examples: Superficial cervical axial pattern flap for a face wound in a cat; Thoracodorsal axial pattern flap for an elbow wound in a dog. Operative techniques: Axial pattern flap; Thoracodorsal axial pattern flap; Superficial cervical (omocervical) axial pattern flap; Caudal superficial epigastric axial pattern flap; Lateral thoracic axial pattern flap; Deep circumflex iliac (ventral branch) axial pattern flap; Deep circumflex iliac (dorsal branch) axial pattern flap; Cranial superficial epigastric axial pattern flap; Superficial brachial axial pattern flap; Genicular axial pattern flap; Reverse saphenous conduit axial pattern flap; Superficial temporal axial pattern flap; Caudal auricular axial pattern flap; and Lateral caudal axial pattern flap
Basic principles of soft tissue surgery
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingThe general principles of soft tissue surgery are as applicable to rabbits as they are to cats and dogs. These include Halsted’s basic principles of soft tissue surgery. The aim of this chapter is to highlight both the similarities and differences between rabbits and cats and dogs, so that veterinary practitioners can modify their existing surgical skills where necessary. Operative Techniques: Removal of subcutaneous abscesses; Abdominal closure; Laparoscopic ovariectomy.
Basic surgical techniques
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementThis chapter aims to outline the general organizational approach to the surgical fixation of fractures, along with describing some of the basic surgical techniques involved in fracture reduction and fixation. Fracture surgeries are often demanding in terms of technical skill needed, equipment requirements, time and also concentration by the surgeon. Preparation is vital for all aspects of the operation. Operative techniques: Fracture reduction; Insertion of intramedullary pins; Insertion of interlocking nail; Application of cerclage wire; application of tension-band wiring; Placement of external skeletal fixators; Insertion of positional screw; Application of lag screw; Application of dynamic compression plate; Application of neutralization plate; Application of bridging plate; Pin-plate stabilization.
The body wall
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryThe body wall consists of sheets of muscle that maintain abdominal integrity, provide support and strength for movements such as jumping and twisting and, when tense, are rigid enough to protect the abdominal contents. Open surgery on intra-abdominal structures involves breaching this well designed system, and it is important to ensure a robust and long-lasting repair of any approach to the abdominal cavity. This chapter covers the body wall anatomy, surgical approaches, closure, and complications. Practical tips are highlighted throughout. Operative techniques: Midline laparotomy (coeliotomy); Flank laparotomy; Inguinal hernia repair; Prepubic tendon rupture repair.
Bone grafts and alternatives
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementBone grafting is the transplantation or implantation of bone or a bone substitute into a site to replace missing bone or to enhance bone healing. This chapter looks at autografts; allografts; grow factors; mesenchymal stem cells and tissue engineering; alloplastic grafts; ideal bone graft properties. Operative technique: Harvesting of an autogenous cancellous bone graft.
Brachycephalic airway disease
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Head, Neck and Thoracic SurgeryBrachycephalic dogs, and persian and himalayan cats, frequently present with signs of upper airway obstruction as a result of an anatomical distortion of their faces caused by selective breeding. This chapter covers the diagnosis and treatment of three key problems: correction of stenotic nares and resection of aberrant turbinates, staphylectomy for elongated/overlong soft palate, and everted laryngeal saccules and laryngeal collapse. Operative Techniques: Modified horizontal wedge resection of the nares; Staphylectomy (soft palate resection).
The carpus
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal DisordersConditions affecting the structure and function of the carpus are common in small animal practice and can have debilitating consequences for thoracic limb function. This chapter covers the key aspects of anatomy, investigations, congenital abnormalities, developmental abnormalities, traumatic carpal injuries and arthrodesis. Includes Quick Reference Guide to Imaging Techniques by Thomas W. Maddox. Operative Techniques: Pancarpal arthrodesis; Partial carpal arthrodesis.
The carpus and tarsus
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementFractures of the carpus and tarsus are common in athletic dogs, but are encountered less frequently in pet dogs and cats. Operative techniques: Dorsal approach to the carpus; Palmaromedial approach to the radial carpal bone; Screw fixation of type I and II accessory carpal bone fractures; Pin and tension-band fixation of calcaneal fractures; Internal fixation of articular fractures of the talus; Internal fixation of central tarsal bone fractures.
Closed and open tooth extraction
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral SurgeryExtraction of teeth (exodontics) is one of the most frequently performed procedures in small animal practice. Utilizing good instrumentation and applying proper techniques can help to provide a stress-free and controlled procedure. Operative Techniques: Maxillary canine tooth extraction in the dog; Mandibular canine tooth extraction in the dog; Maxillary fourth premolar tooth extraction in the dog; Mandibular first molar tooth extraction in the dog; Extraction of the maxillary canine and cheek teeth in the cat; Extraction of the mandibular canine and cheek teeth in the cat; Crown amputation and intentional retention of resorbing root tissue in the cat.
Dental and oral diagnostic imaging and interpretation
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral SurgeryThis chapter covers the principles, equipment and techniques required to carry out a range of diagnostic imaging techniques on the head. Interpretation and common presentations are covered in depth using clinical photographs, radiographs, computed tomography images, magnetic resonance images and ultrasonograms. Operative Techniques: Full-mouth dental radiographs in the dog; Full-mouth dental radiographs in the cat
Dental-related epiphora and dacryocystitis
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingKnowledge of the normal anatomy of the nasolacrimal duct, and the structures through which it travels, is required to investigate and treat rabbits with epiphora, dacryocystitis and chronic nasal discharge. This chapter observes anatomy of the nasolacrimal duct and related structures; aetiopathogenesis; diagnosis; medical treatment; dental treatment; surgical treatment; and prognosis. Quick Reference Guides/Techniques: Flushing the nasolacrimal duct; Marsupialization of the lacrimal sac.
The distal limb
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementThis chapter looks at the distal limb, its anatomy, surgical considerations, metacarpal and metatarsal bone fractures, fractures of the sesamoid bones, fractures of the digits. Operative techniques: Intramedullary pinning of metacarpal/metatarsal fractures; Application of a modified type 2 external skeletal fixator to metacarpal/metatarsal fractures; Permanent nail removal (ungual crest osteoctomy); Distal digital amputation (distal digital osteoctomy).
The distal limb
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal DisordersThis chapter covers anatomy, diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the distal limb, including surgical preparation, external coaptation, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joint injury, conditions of the palmar and volar sesamoid bones, the proximal and distal interphalangeal joint, tendon injuries, conditions of the digital pads and integument of the paw, infection of the paw. Includes Quick Reference Guide to Imaging Techniques by Thomas W. Maddox. Operative Techniques: The application of a digital external skeletal fixator; Amputation of the digit; Ungual crest ostectomy (permanent nail removal); Distal digit (phalanx 3) ostectomy; Incisional and excisional separation podoplasty; Corn excision; Sesamoidectomy.
Disturbances of growth and bone development
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal DisordersProblems affecting bone growth and development are caused by abnormalities of cartilage formation, cartilage transformation, or bone formation. This chapter covers angular limb deformities and bone dysplasias in depth. Operative Techniques: Distal ulnar osteotomy/segmental ostectomy; Radial and ulnar corrective osteotomies; Dynamic lengthening of the radius using an external skeletal fixator; Tibial osteotomy for tarsal varus or valgus.
Ear and sinus surgery
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingEar disease is a common presentation in rabbits; as in other species, it takes the form of otitis externa, media and/or interna. In cases of otitis externa or otitis media, where medical management is either impossible or unsuccessful or the situation is recurrent, surgery may be indicated. This chapter considers ear and sinus disease and surgery. Operative Techniques: Ear syringing; Lateral wall resection; Total ear canal ablation via lateral bulla osteotomy; Total ear canal ablation via a ventral bulla osteotomy; Flushing the dorsal conchal sinus via a dorsal approach; Flushing the dorsal recess of the maxillary sinus via a lateral approach; Flushing the ventral recess of the maxillary sinus via a lateral approach.
The elbow
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal DisordersElbow disease is the most common cause of thoracic limb lameness in medium to large-breed dogs. This chapter covers clinical anatomy, clinical examination, diagnostic imaging, arthroscopy, surgical approaches to the elbow, elbow luxation, elbow dysplasia, incomplete ossification/intracondylar fissure-fracture of the humeral condyle, flexor enthesiopathy and salvage procedures for the elbow joint. Includes Quick Reference Guide to Imaging Techniques by Thomas W. Maddox. Operative Techniques: Arthroscopy of the elbow; Caudolateral approach to the elbow; Medial approach to the elbow; Subtotal coronoidectomy; OCD flap removal by medial arthrotomy; Closed reduction of traumatic lateral luxation; Collateral ligament repair; Dynamic proximal ulnar osteotomy/ostectomy; Ununited anconeal process internal fixation or removal; Lengthening of the radius.
Emergency management of respiratory distress
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Head, Neck and Thoracic SurgeryRespiratory distress is a life-threatening clinical syndrome that should be dealt with immediately. What is done in the initial approach to these animals can make the difference between life and death. This chapter covers initial assessment and stabilization, pathophysiology, diagnostic approach, diseases associated with respiratory distress and prolonged oxygen therapy. Operative Technique: Emergency tracheotomy.
Exploratory laparotomy
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingUrinary tract surgery can be technically demanding in rabbits due to their relatively small size and unique anatomy. Some techniques, however, such as cystotomy, are relatively common and fairly straightforward procedures. This chapters assesses Anatomy of the urinary tract; Patient assessment and decision-making; Hypercalciuria and urolithiasis; Lower urinary tract disease; Medical management of urinary tract disease; Surgical considerations and specialist equipment; Surgical procedures; and Postoperative care. Operative Technique: Nephrectomy; Cystotomy.
Eye and eyelid surgery
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingThe rabbit eye shows several anatomical differences compared to other mammals, some of which are important for surgery. This chapter details the relevant anatomy and looks at decision-making and treatment options. Operative Techniques: Corneal ulcer treatment; Correction of entropian or ectropian; Correction of eyelid dysplasia; Removal of prolapsed superficial gland of third eyelid; Pocket technique for re-placement of prolapsed gland of third eyelid; Surgical treatment of aberrant conjunctival overgrowth; Enucleation and exenteration.
Facial abscesses
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingFacial abscesses are a common problem in pet rabbits, and rapid advances have been made in their successful treatment in recent years. This chapter covers the aetiology of abscesses; clinical features; differential diagnosis; types of abscess; diagnostic procedures; antibiotic therapy; surgical management; non-surgical management; prognosis; and retrobulbar abscesses. Operative Technique: Treating a dental abscess with marsupialization.
The female reproductive system
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryElective neutering of female dogs and cats is one of the commonest surgeries performed in veterinary practice. Over the last decade, sterilization techniques in the bitch have advanced with the introduction of laparoscopic techniques and the acceptance of both ovariectomy and ovariohysterectomy for routine neutering. This chapter addresses anatomy and surgical procedures, broken down into uterus; ovaries; vagina, vestibule and vulva; and external genitalia. Practical tips are highlighted throughout. Operative techniques: Canine ovariohysterectomy; Canine ovariectomy; Feline ovariohysterectomy; Caesarian section; Episioplasty; Episiotomy.
The femur
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementFemoral fractures occur with high frequency in dogs and cats, representing 45% of all long bone fractures. Fracture typically occurs following substantial trauma such as road traffic accident and, as such, individual fracture configuration can vary dramatically. The chapter looks at fractures of the proximal femur, fractures of the diaphysis, fractures of the distal femur. Operative techniques: Epiphyseal fractures of the femoral head; Physeal, subcapital and intertrochanteric fractures; Fractures of the greater trochanter; Intramedullary pinning of spiral/long oblique diaphyseal fractures; Open bone plating of the diaphysis; Pin-plate stabilization of comminuted diaphyseal fractures; External skeletal fixation of the femur; Distal femoral physeal fracture stabilization in immature patients; Supracondylar fracture stabilization in mature patients; Articular fractures of the femoral condyle.
Fracture management
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingRabbits are popular pets and many are presented to veterinary surgeons with a history of sudden lameness caused by a fracture. For many clinicians this is a daunting prospect. This chapter covers the various types of fracture in rabbits, how to formulate a treatment plan, treatment options, and assessment of the patient and fracture. It goes on to address orthopaedic surgery, the management of specific fractures and postoperative complications. Operative Techniques: External fixation of a tibial fracture.
Gastric dilatation and volvulus
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryGastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) is an acute life-threatening abnormal accumulation of gastric gas (dilatation), which may be complicated by rotation of the stomach (volvulus) about its mesenteric axis. This chapter looks at pathophysiology, diagnosis and management, techniques and treatment. Operative techniques: Tube gastropexy; Belt loop gastropexy; Incisional gastropexy.
Gastric dilation and intestinal obstruction
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingGastric dilation is a common clinical syndrome in rabbits and is often confused with ileus, gastrointestinal hypomotility or gut stasis. Some of the confusion originates in the terminology used, so the terms used in this chapter are defined in Figure 14.1 . This chapter covers anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract; intestinal obstruction; diagnosis of intestinal obstruction; site of obstruction; causes of intestinal obstruction; gastrointestinal hypomotility, together with a protocol for rabbits with gastric dilation. Quick Reference Guides/Techniques: Passing a stomach tube to decompress the stomach; Milking a foreign body through the small intestine.
The hip
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal DisordersConditions affecting the hip, or coxofemoral joint, are common in small animal practice, especially in younger animals where a variety of developmental conditions can be encountered. This chapter covers the clinical anatomy, clinical examination, diagnostic investigations, and management of a range of conditions affecting the hip. Includes Quick Reference Guide to Imaging Techniques by Thomas W. Maddox. Operative Techniques: Craniolateral approach to the hip; Dorsal approach to the hip; Ventral approach to the hip; Hip toggle; Iliofemoral suture; Transarticular pin; Dorsal capsular sling; Femoral head and neck excision.
The humerus
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementThe humerus lies within the brachium, articulating proximally with the scapular glenoid to form the shoulder joint and distally with the radius and ulna to form the elbow joint. This chapter looks at humeral diaphyseal fractures, fractures of the distal humerus. Operative techniques: Salter-Harris type I and II fractures of the proximal humerus; Salter-Harris type III fractures of the proximal humerus; Medial approach to the humeral diaphysis for bone plate application; Medial approach to the distal humerus for bone plate application; Lateral approach to the humeral diaphysis for bone plate application; Lateral approach to the distal humerus for bone plate application; Lateral condylar fractures; Medial condylar fractures; Intracondylar Y-T fractures; Intramedullary pinning; Pin-plate application; Linear external skeletal fixation of the humerus; Supracondylar humeral fractures; Placement of a medial to lateral transcondylar positional cortical bone screw for humeral intracondylar fissure.
Joint disease and surgery
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingRabbits suffer from a variety of different joint diseases. The recent increase in popularity of rabbits as pets means that the incidence and diagnosis of joint disease is also likely to increase. This chapter examines localization of lameness; osteoarthritis; septic arthritis; sore hocks; conditions affecting the hip joint; elbow luxation; intervertebral disc disease; diseases of the stifle; dislocation of the hock; and carpal and digital luxation. Operative Techniques: Reduction of a dislocated hip; Surgical repair of a dislocated elbow; Cruciate ligament repair.
The large intestine and perineum
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryDifferentiation of large bowel disease from small intestinal disorders is based on history and clinical examination. The clinical signs are a result of disruption of the functions of the large bowel – namely, absorption of water and electrolytes from luminal contents, and storage and periodic expulsion of faecal material. This chapter addresses anatomy, diagnosis and treatment of many different conditions. Operative techniques: Colotomy; Colectomy; Typhlectomy (caecal resection); Incision colopexy; Anal ‘pull-out’ procedure for lesions requiring full-thickness resection; Rectal ‘pull-through’ procedure; Dorsal rectal approach; Ventral approach to the rectum; Perineal herniorrhaphy in a male dog; Anal sacculectomy; Anoplasty.
The liver and biliary tract
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgerySmall animal patients commonly present with conditions of the liver and biliary tract that require surgical intervention. This chapter looks at anatomy, patient evaluation, diagnosis and management. Operative techniques: Hepatic biopsy techniques and partial lobectomy; Complete hepatic lobectomy; Cholecystotomy; Cholecystectomy; Biliary diversion: cholecystoduodenostomy or cholecystojejunostomy.
The male urogenital system
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryThe testes are paired ovoid organs normally located in the scrotum and are responsible for producing both the male hormone (testosterone) and the male gametes (sperm). This chapter considers the anatomy and conditions of the testicle, the prostate gland and the penis and prepuce as well as urethrostomy procedures. Operative techniques: Canine castration; Prostatic abscess management (intracapsular prostatic omentalization); Partial resection and omentalization for discrete prostatic cysts; Canine penile amputation; Canine scrotal urethrostomy; Feline perineal urethrostomy (PU); Prepubic urethrostomy (PPU).
Management of dental and oral trauma
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral SurgeryThis chapter describes a range of endodontic treatments and techniques in operative dentistry, with extensive information on the management of oral bone and soft tissue trauma. Operative Techniques: Vital pulp therapy; Standard root canal therapy (standardized filing technique and cold lateral condensation); Dental defect preparation and restoration; Interarch splinting; Circumferential wiring; Interdental wiring and splinting.
Management of dental, oral and maxillofacial developmental disorders
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral SurgeryThis chapter looks at the management of developmental abnormalities of the hard and soft tissues of the head, including occlusion and malocclusion, abnormalities of teeth, lip and palate defects. Operative Techniques: Obtaining a full-mouth impression, bite registration and creating stone models; Fabrication of a direct inclined plane; Active orthodontic appliance with brackets, buttons or ligature wires and elastic chain.
Management of oral and maxillofacial neoplasia
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral SurgeryBenign and malignant oral and maxillofacial tumours are common in dogs, whereas oral and maxillofacial neoplasia in cats tends to be malignant. This chapter describes the dentification of as well as surgical and non-surgical options for treatment of a range of commonly presented tumours. Operative Techniques: Unilateral rostral maxillectomy; Mandibular rim excision (dorsal marginal mandibulectomy); Bilateral rostral mandibulectomy.
Management of periodontal disease
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dentistry and Oral SurgeryPeriodontal disease is the most common pathological condition occurring in adult dogs and cats. This chapter covers the diagnosis and management of periodontal disease, providing detailed instruction on the use of a range of equipment, instruments and materials. Operative Techniques: Professional dental cleaning and closed periodontal therapy; Open periodontal therapy; Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty.
Mediastinal masses and other thoracic surgery
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingRabbits have small thoracic cavities compared to dogs and cats; the thoracic cavity of a rabbit is also much smaller than its abdominal cavity. This chapter discusses considerations for thoracic surgery in rabbits versus cats and dogs; diagnosis of surgical thoracic disease; indications for thoracic surgery; and principles of thoracic surgery. Operative Techniques: Median sternotomy for thymoma removal; Lung lobectomy via lateral thoracotomy; Placing a chest drain.
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and ReconstructionAlthough the use of operating loupes and surgical microscopes has been commonplace in human neurosurgery, ophthalmic surgery and reconstructive surgery for decades, experience with microvascular free tissue transfer is limited in veterinary surgery. Despite this fact, the utility of microvascular free tissue transfer for one-stage reconstruction of difficult problems, particularly of the distal limbs and the oral cavity, has been established. Early reconstruction of traumatic tissue loss using vascularized tissue is feasible, as is functional and cosmetic reconstruction after ablative cancer surgery. Tissues transferred in this manner are referred to as ‘microvascular free tissue transfers’, ‘free flaps’, ‘microvascular free flaps’, or ‘autogenous vascularized grafts’. Topics discussed are as follows: Microvascular technique; and Specific flaps in the dog and cat. Operative techniques: End-to-end anastomosis; End-to-side anastomosis; Raising a trapezius muscle flap; Raising a latissimus dorsi muscle flap; and Harvesting a vascularized ulnar graft.
Minimally invasive osteosynthesis
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementMinimally invasive osteosynthesis (MIO) involves the application of implants for fracture stabilization without making an extensive surgical approach to expose the fracture site. The bone segments are reduced using indirect reduction techniques (without direct manipulation of the bone at the fracture site ). This chapter considers case selection and preoperative considerations; principles of specific fixation methods using minimally invasive osteosynthesis. Operative techniques: Reduction techniques for minimally invasive fracture surgery; Minimally invasive application of a plate to the humerus; Minimally invasive application of a plate to the radius; Minimally invasive application of a plate to the femur; Minimally invasive application of a plate to the tibia.
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and ImagingExploratory laparotomy involves a surgical approach to the abdominal cavity, to diagnose and potentially treat abdominal disease. In some cases, exploratory laparoscopy may be performed in place of laparotomy. This chapter details patient assessment and preparation; indications for laparotomy; site and length of incision; and organ handling. Operative Techniques: Exploratory laparotomy (coeliotomy) utilizing a ventral midline incision; Liver biopsy and lobectomy.
The pancreas
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryThe pancreas is a glandular organ in the cranial abdomen that has both endocrine and exodrine functions. This chapter focuses on anatomy, surgical techniques and surgical conditions. Practical tips and warnings are highlighted throughout. Operative techniques: Pancreatic biopsy; Partial pancreatectomy; Debridement/omentalization of pancreatic abscesses or pseudocysts.
The patella, fabellae and popliteal sesamoids
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementA sesamoid bone is a bone embedded within a tendon. Sesamoids are found in locations where a tendon passes over a bone or a joint. This chapter looks at the patella, the fabellae, the popliteal sesamoid. Operative techniques: Fracture of the patella; Avulsion of the fabella; Avulsion of the popliteus.
Pedicled muscle flaps
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and ReconstructionLocal transposition of a muscle flap is a useful and simple technique and does not require any special instrumentation. However, it does require a good knowledge of anatomy, an understanding of the indications and limitations of the technique, and careful dissection. A muscle flap is indicated when the specific benefits of transposed muscle tissue are needed. This is particularly the case when closing defects that are ischaemic, infected or irradiated, or when muscle bulk or physical support is needed. This chapter discusses Indications; Types of muscle flap; Using muscle flaps; Complications; and Myocutaneous flaps. Case examples: Repair of a perineal hernia hernia with a semitendinosus muscle flap; and Reconstruction of a thoracic wall deficit (following tumour resection) with a latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap. Operative techniques: Raising a muscle or myocutaneous flap; Humeral head of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle flap; Ulnaris lateralis muscle flap; Superficial gluteal muscle flap; Internal obturator muscle flap; Cranial sartorius muscle flap; Caudal sartorius muscle flap; Rectus femoris muscle flap; Semitendinous muscle flap; Cranial border of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle flap; Cranial tibial muscle flap; Temporalis muscle flap; Cranial portions of the sternocephalicus, sternothyroideus and sternohyoideus muscle flaps; Caudal portions of the sternocephalicus, sternothyroideus and sternohyoideus muscle flaps; Cervical portion of the trapezius muscle flap; Deep pectoral muscle flap; Latissimus dorsi muscle flap; Cranial portion of the external abdominal oblique muscle flap; Rectus abdominis muscle flap; Cutaneous trunci myocutaneous; Latissmus dorsi myocutaneous flap; Trapezius myocutaneous flap; and the Gracilis myocutaneous flap.
The pelvis and sacroiliac joint
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and ManagementFractures of the pelvis and sacroiliac (SI) joints are common, accounting for 20/30% of fractures in cats and dogs. This chapter covers assessment for surgical or non-surgical management, non-surgical management of pelvic fractures, surgical management of pelvic fractures. Operative techniques: Sacroiliac luxation – sacroiliac lag screw placement; Sacroiliac luxation – transilial pinning; Ilial body bone plating – lateral plate application; Ilial body bone plating – ventral plate application in canine patients; Ilial body bone plating – dorsal plate application in feline patients; Simple acetabular fractures – bone plate stabilization; Simple acetabular fractures - composite repair using screws, wire and polymethylmethacrylate.
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryPeritonitis is inflammation of the abdominal cavity that can occur spontaneously or as a result of pre-existing intra-abdominal pathology or penetration of the body wall. Peritonitis can be classified as primary or secondary, localized or generalized, and aseptic or septic. This chapter looks at the aetiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and pre- and postoperative treatment of peritonitis. Operative techniques: Open abdominal drainage; Closed suction drainage; Vacuum-assisted peritoneal drainage.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Advanced Veterinary NursingPhysiotherapy is involved with physical function, and physiotherapists regard movement and physical potential to be central to the health and well being of individuals. It is a ‘hands-on’ science-based healthcare profession concerned with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of disease and disability through physical means. It is based upon the principles of medical science, and is generally held to be within the sphere of conventional (rather than alternative) medicine. Human physiotherapy is an internationally recognized discipline, and the positive benefits of physiotherapeutic intervention have been well documented. This chapter explains Veterinary physiotherapy; Legal restrictions; Role of the veterinary nurse; Indications for physiotherapy; Modalities and techniques; Physiotherapy in specific situations;
Pleural drainage techniques
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Head, Neck and Thoracic SurgeryThis chapter covers anatomy and physiology, pleural drainage techniques, and clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of a range of diseases involving the partial and visceral pleura and pleural cavity. Operative Techniques: Needle thoracocentesis; Small-bore wire-guided chest drain placement in a closed chest; Chest drain placement in an open chest.
Portosystemic shunts
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal SurgeryPortosystemic shunts (PSS) are abnormal vascular communications between the portal venous system and the systemic venous circulation. This chapter considers anatomy, pathophysiology, anaesthesia, current techniques for intra- and extrahepatic shunts and postoperative management. Practical tips and warnings are highlighted throughout. Operative technique: Attenuation of an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
Postoperative management and rehabilitation
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal DisordersThe postoperative period is as important as the surgery itself in terms of analgesia and rehabilitation and depends on a team approach involving the surgeon, registered veterinary nurses, animal care staff and owners. This chapter discusses analgesia, immediate postoperative nursing care, physiotherapy/rehabilitation, discharge and re-examination, and exercise management. Operative Technique: Application of a soft padded dressing.