In general abbreviations should not be used in prescription writing. However, it is recognized that at present some Latin abbreviations are used when prescribing. These should be limited to those listed here.
Abbreviations used in prescription writing
- a.c. Before meals
- ad. lib. At pleasure
- amp. Ampoule
- b.i.d. Twice a day
- cap. Capsule
- g Gram
- h Hour(s)
- i.c. Intracoelomic
- i.m. Intramuscular
- i.p. Intraperitoneal
- i.v. Intravenous
- m2 Square metre
- mg Milligram
- ml Millilitre
- o.m. In the morning
- o.n. At night
- p.c. After meals
- p.o. By mouth, orally
- prn As required
- q Every, e.g. q8h = every 8 hours
- q.i.d./q.d.s Four times a day
- q.s. A sufficient quantity
- s.c. Subcutaneous
- s.i.d. Once a day
- Sig: Directions/label
- stat. Immediately
- susp. Suspension
- tab. Tablet
- t.i.d./t.d.s. Three times a day
Other abbreviations used in this Formulary
- ACE Angiotensin converting enzyme
- ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone
- ADH Antidiuretic hormone
- AV Atrioventricular
- CBC Complete blood count
- CHF Congestive heart failure
- CNS Central nervous system
- COX Cyclo-oxygenase
- CRI Continuous rate infusion
- CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
- d Day(s)
- DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation
- DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
- ECG Electrocardiogram
- EMA European Medicines Agency
- GI Gastrointestinal
- Hb Haemoglobin
- MAOI Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
- MIC Minimum inhibitory concentration
- min Minute
- NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
- PT Prothrombin
- PU/PD Polyuria/polydipsia
- RBC Red blood cell
- SSRI Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor
- STC Special Treatment Certificate
- WBC White blood cell
- wk Week(s)