Client Information Leaflets: Medicines

About: Veterinary surgeons should provide information to their clients about the safe use of the drugs that they prescribe and dispense for the patients under their care. For drugs authorized for use in dogs and/or cats this information is usually supplied to veterinary surgeons by the pharmaceutical company and this should then be passed on to clients. For drugs that are not authorized for the particular use in the particular species there is still a responsibility to provide information, but the leaflets provided with these drugs may not be adequate (e.g. they may have been written for the treatment of human patients or for the treatment of a different condition). BSAVA has therefore developed a series of leaflets that can be used to help practitioners fulfil their obligations. You can download individual leaflets as required, or the full set as a zipped file. Guidance on adding your practice details to the leaflets.
How to access: These client information leaflets are provided to BSAVA members as part of their member benefits and are also available for non-members to purchase as part of the Formulary Plus subscription or the client leaflet subscription. Please note that these leaflets are intended for use as part of a veterinary consultation. They should not be made available on public pages of your practice website. Leaflets are updated periodically so please check you are using the latest versions.
Formats: Leaflets are provided in PDF format, as PNG image files and also as TinyURL links and QR codes that give clients direct access to the leaflet.
Latest update: May 2024 (new leaflets for bethanechol chloride, mirtazapine in dogs, silver sulfadiazine, inhaled medications, injectable medications, oral medications, topical ear treatments and topical eye treatments). Zip folders also updated.
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