Figure 1:Cat with hyphaema – ocular trauma or systemic hypertension? (Fig. 1.1b, p2 in Small Animal Ophthalmology: What’s Your Diagnosis? 1st edn. Featherstone, H. & Holt, E. 2011.Wiley-Blackwell.Reproduced with permission from Wiley-Blackwell.)
Figure 3:Cat with left anterior uveitis (hyphaema, fibrin in anterior chamber, iritis, dyscoria). (Fig. 7.2a, p124 in Small Animal Ophthalmology: What’s Your Diagnosis? 1st edn. Featherstone, H. & Holt, E. 2011. Wiley-Blackwell. Reproduced with permission from Wiley-Blackwell.)
Figure 4:Terrier with bilateral diabetic cataract. (Fig. 7.1a), p118 in Small Animal Ophthalmology: What’s Your Diagnosis? 1st edn. Featherstone, H. & Holt, E. 2011.Wiley-Blackwell.Reproduced with permission from Wiley-Blackwell. Courtesy of J Mould.)